"I now pronounce you Husband and Wife....you may now Fist Bump the Bride....Oh and for Gods sake....please don't throw any rice ! "
Pete Zahut
JoinedPosts by Pete Zahut
You May Now Embrace the Bride!
by jp1692 injust yesterday, a pimi jw that i've known for years told me that at the end of a wedding they recently attended in pennsylvania, usa, the "brother" that officiated the ceremony concluded by saying to the bride and groom, "you may now embrace the bride.
no kissing.
just a hug.
Demonic Possession
by Nihilistic Journey ini am looking for articles that i recall reading from the magazines.
i recall getting the magazines through subscription so it must have been in the 1980's.
they were "biographies" from sisters that dealt with demonic possession and attacks.
Pete Zahut
I only remember the magazine articles containing side references that mentioned people having troubles with demons. It was usually someone that was studying or a new one. Other than admonishment to abstain from spiritistic practices, I don't remember any specific articles about demon encounters and what to do about them.
Most of what I heard was anecdotal. Lot's of JW's claimed to know someone who had problems with demons or they had problems with them themselves (usually silly old ladies). They'd pride themselves on not purchasing second hand objects from thrift shops or garage sales so as not to have a demonic encounter.. I love the look on their faces when I'd ask them about the used cars they were driving.
New Boy The Book is Free For The Next 30 Days
by The Bethelite infor those of you that have not got my book new boy yet, it will be free for down load on amazon books.
you can down load it on your kindle for the next 30 days at no cost.
enjoy keith.
Pete Zahut
Here is the link to the book at Amazon
You can download the book to any device using the kindle app.
wt and money
by zeb inwell she went off to the big convention this morning.
as she left i ventured a bare tiny 'dont give them money' 'they have millions.
' she spun back, (we are on pensions.).
Pete Zahut
she spun back, (We are on pensions.)
Hopefully they won't make her feel guilty by talking about the "widows mite"...the widow who gave her last coin and how it meant more to Jehovah than those giving out of their surplus.
head coverings
by loveforgod inhi there i am not a jw but i am having bible study.
i came to christianity a few months before and i was searching for the right path.
one of the things god spoke to me about and directed me in was to do away with all the vanity that was in me and now i wear the head covering and the modest dresses.
Pete Zahut
You mentioned that God spoke to you and told you to do away with all vanity in your life. I'm not sure if you meant that God literally spoke to you or if you inwardly felt a need to be less vain and sensed that this would be pleasing to God .
Either way, it seems to me that going to the great lengths that you've described, such as wearing a head covering everywhere thus making yourself stand out from others in an odd way, could in itself be a form of vanity or narcissism. Be sure that your motives are pure. It seems to me that you could on some level, be trying to draw attention to yourself and to what a good and righteous woman you are, compared to all those other vain make-up wearing ladies out there who go around with their heads uncovered.
Thinking that your personal dress and grooming is so important to the God of the universe, that he would speak to you about it and that he absolutely needs you to go around with your head covered up, could be a form of narcissism. You may think that you are focusing on God but instead you may be focusing on yourself and how godly doing these things makes you feel and how pious this makes you appear to others.
JW's (and others) tend to strive for balance when it comes to dress and grooming and their personal actions. They also don't believe that God speaks to individuals directly (especially women). To tell you the truth, JW's won't likely be impressed by your head-coveing and lack of make-up. You may be inadvertently sending them the message that you think you are more godly and less vain than they are. Rather than being impressed, they may think you're not a spiritually balanced person and will likely view you as spiritually immature and not ready for baptism, which of course is their ultimate goal when they study with you.
You mentioned that you are new to Christianity and you said something about having changed and no longer focus on the "layers of makeup" you are wearing. It seems like you may have gone from one extreme to another. This is a common thing to happen to newbies.Why not strike a balance? Avoid the "all or nothing" mindset that people often get when they embark on a new religion. If you formerly wore a lot of makeup and or were spending an inordinate amount of time, money and thought on your grooming, why not reel it in a little? Choose an easy hairstyle, wear a dab of makeup if you want to and wear more practical clothing that won't be hot or encumber your day to day work and activities the way the clothing you've described, might.
Kick The Bucket JW Style!
by Atlantis inkick the bucket jw style!.
https://jehovahswitnessfunerals.co.uk .
Pete Zahut
Company Slogan:
"Sending JW Loved Ones to Where the Need is Graver "
Their competition must be "stiff" because as part of their service they even go so far as to to intercept solicitations from other religions who peruse the local obituaries looking for possible new recruits.
We pray for the governing body
by StephaneLaliberte insince when has it become cool to pray for the gb?
i noticed that at the begining of my fade back in 2015, it had already been there for a good while and was already getting on my nerves.
i means, i grew up in it, but can't remember much further than the 90s and i don't remember this being always in the payers.
Pete Zahut
To say that the GB needs others to pray for them is to say that Jehovah doesn't already have a handle on the organization.
Imagine if the JW logo were an idol, no wait...
by HiddenPimo ini’m in germany for work and guess what is next to the bowling alley in karlsruhe?
same thing as a cross.... .
Pete Zahut
Come on....let's not create an issue where none exist. Comparing the cross to a JWorg sign is not the same thing. The cross is a universal symbol of Jesus sacrifice for mankind. A JWorg sign or lapel button is simply a way for them to advertise their website.
My "shameless" relationship with my ex wife
by Jayk ini've thought about keeping this to myself but i'm still confused on what i should do.. my ex wife(never been a jw) and myself(raised in the org till 16)have been reconnecting these past few weeks.
we been divorced for almost 10 years, we got married when we where pretty young, and it didnt last long.. fast forward 10 years, her and i have been reconnecting and things are getting semi serious.. she got remarried, divorced again, and recently broke up with her gf.
so in the past 10 years she has only been with 3 people (including myself) and here comes me "a sucker with no self esteem".
Pete Zahut
This is a convoluted situation to say the least and If you need to ask complete strangers on a JW forum about it...you're not ready to move any further forward until you seek professional advice.
Is this true:
by crmsicl inhttps://www.moshoodkarim.com/2019/07/jehovahs-witnesses-changes-doctrinal.html.
Pete Zahut
Not likely....we'd have heard of this by now if it were true.